VIEW Clubs were initiated in 1960 by the Smith Family’s General Secretary, George Forbes. He saw the potential for an organisation to allow women to develop interests while supporting the Smith Family and disadvantaged children.
VIEW stands for Voice, Interests and Education for Women.
By 2001 there were more than 300 clubs throughout Australia and the VIEW development team realised that there was a need to progress beyond cities such as Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong and it was decided to commence a club on the Bellarine. Drysdale was chosen and advertisements were placed in local newspapers and notices in shops, cafes, medical clinics etc. In June 2001 Drysdale Day VIEW Club commenced with 37 members and a committee was quickly formed. They sponsored 2 students each year and donated additional funds to the Smith Family for their Winter Appeal, Christmas Book and Toy Appeal and other educational components. Our Club is now sponsoring 5 students each year and throughout Australia VIEW sponsors more than 1400 disadvantaged students.
Our Club is actively involved in fundraising.and we meet monthly for lunch and meetings, which include informative guest speakers and fun activities. Each month a social outing is organised for members, and we have several interest groups such as gardening, craft, book club just to name a few.
For further details about our club and our activities visit us on Facebook or phone Diane on 03 52512077. You may like to learn more general details about VIEW by visiting the website